- Begin to read independently
- Sounds of the alphabet (A-Z)
- Read three and four letter words fluently
- Sight words
- Story telling
- Reading comprehension (SRA reading program)
- Read fiction and nonfiction: short stories
- Reading out loud
- Participate in group story writing using story blocks
- Making a book report
- Write a simple story from personal experience
- Identifying parts of speech: noun, article, adjective and verb
- Compound words
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Syllables
- Rhyming words
- Singular and plural
- Gender: masculine and feminine
- Spell frequently used words correctly
- Capitalization and punctuation
- Print letters correctly (upper and lower case)
- Introduction to cursive writing
- Speaking and listening (Great Books: Sun series)
- Listen and respond to a variety of texts
- Respond using prediction
- Relate text to a similar experience
- Retell stories in sequence
- Participate in group discussions: Book study
- Participate in show and tell
- Introduction to cursive writing
- Continents and oceans (identifications and names)
- Map of North America
- Map of United States of America
- Parts of a Flag
- Planets of the solar system
- Sun and Earth: seasons
- Different zones
- Land and water forms
- Attraction and gravity
- Earth as a planet
- Composition of the Earth
- Biome Readers: introduction to the animals of North America
- Identify some important natural resources and describe ways to protect them
- Timeline of human beings and their fundamental needs (pre-historic)
- Famous personalities in History
- Holidays
- Living and Nonliving classification
- Classify plants and animals according to distinguishing features
- Parts and body function of vertebrates: fish, amphibian, reptiles, birds and mammals
- Introduction: Parts of a plant
- How leaves make food for the plant
- Introduction: Parts of a leaf
- Classification of leaves
- Introduction: Parts of a flower
- Introduction: Parts of a seed
- Introduction: Parts of a root
- Introduction: Parts of a fruit
- Magnets
- Parts of the body
- Talk about digestion
- Food and nutrition (healthy and unhealthy food)
- Three States of matter
- Identify and create patterns
- Understand numbers and number relationships
- Place value up to 1000
- Smaller than and greater than
- Before and after
- Problem solving: three and four addition and subtraction (regrouping)
- Introduction to multiplication and division
- Memorizing addition and subtraction facts up to 20
- Tell time to the hour and half-hour
- Read and use a calendar
- Recognize, order and write whole numbers to 100 including skip counting
- Make and read graphs and tables
- Recognize and count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
- Introduction to odd and even numbers
- Introduction to probability
- Identify solid figures & plane shapes
- Introduction to fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- Addition and subtraction of fractions with same denominator
- Parts of an angle, triangle
- Types of angles, triantles, polygons & lines