The Difference Between Montessori and Traditional Education: Language Arts

boy sitting on floor with activity

Language and the ability to communicate properly is possibly the most crucial skill adopted in young children. While in the age range of Toddler to Elementary school, students have a natural ability to subconsciously grasp language and use it to navigate the world around them. Within the Grace Montessori curriculum, this potential is built upon to ensure a lifelong love of communication, reading, and writing. Corresponding to the phases of development, Montessori education integrates language within a child’s daily life and uses different methods to better engage students and respect their individual interests.

In the Toddler programs, Montessori principles build on the natural ability to absorb information by matching language materials with physical objects to reinforce physical and spatial concepts as well as vocabulary development. Emphasis is put on the importance of self-expression and awareness of both the self and surroundings. The Montessori environment fosters independence and teamwork. 

This differs from traditional public school, which uses a very general set of standards that are differently applied based on specific grades. Montessori schooling chooses to focus on the individual student and what can best benefit their specific needs. The coursework requirements are much more widespread and specific as the smaller scale of students allows for personalized attention. The phonetics-based program implemented in primary program creates a base for students to build upon their reading skills and awareness of the meaning of words. Focusing on developing skills such as oral language, writing, listening, and comprehension, students are eased into new activities and experiences to ignite a love of learning. 

 As students grow, the initiative of Grace Montessori shifts. Elementary programs focus on both the improvement of reading, comprehension and writing skills. Students concentrate on spelling and grammar within their writing and produce multiple drafts of a piece as a means of practice. Students are motivated to write in different subject areas which allows them to showcase and hone their writing skills. The program also promotes reading for enjoyment rather than using book logs or deadlines. 

Following phases of development to better integrate language into a child’s daily life, Montessori method promotes enjoyment gained from reading and writing. Grace Montessori takes extra steps to ensure students are engaged, lifelong learners.

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