
Summer at Grace Montessori School

Transitioning from the school year to summer can be tough for parents and students alike. One day, your child is at school, interacting with meaningful materials, engaging content, and other children and adults. The next, they’re at home, with seemingly nothing to do, and, as a parent, it can be tough to know how to keep your child enriched in

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The Difference Between Montessori and Traditional School Mathematics

Montessori and traditional academic curriculums vary in many ways. From teaching strategies and progression to assessments and learning objectives, they differ fundamentally and create diverging experiences for the students involved in those lessons. Montessori mathematics is a subject that absolutely stands out from the math taught in traditional classroom settings. Keep reading to better understand these differences. The first set

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Six Tips to Create an At-Home Montessori Environment

When you think of Montessori, you probably picture a school environment. Schooling is a significant part of the Montessori Method, but it’s not the extent – you can also cultivate an effective and practical Montessori space in your home for your child. We’ve compiled six simple tips to make this possible – no renovations or significant purchases are required. Keep

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